Revision as of 00:27, 12 April 2020 by Donald (talk | contribs)


From Tycoon Gaming

This template adds available translations for the page to the top through the use of flags.

To prevent issues, this template must be placed at the very beginning of a page.


| noborder=true (OPTIONAL)
| lang=page:lang
| lang2=page:lang2
| etc...

Warning: Do not include the language of the current page. This will only confuse readers.

Available Languages

Language Syntax Result
English en=Page_name En.png
Dutch nl=nl:Page_name Nl.png
French fr=fr:Page_name Fr.png
German de=de:Page_name De.png
Italian it=it:Page_name It.png
Polish pl=Page_name:pl Pl.png
Spanish es=es:Page_name Es.png