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From Tycoon Gaming
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m (1 revision imported: Move from Fandom to here)
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Revision as of 16:05, 19 September 2019

Here you see all Commands/Hotkeys the server currently have.

General Commands

Chat Commands

/ems [message] Paramedic Dispatch
/mec [message] Mechanic Dispatch
/atc [message] Custom Flight ATC message
/con [message] Train Conductor
/buy [message] Marketplace Buying
/sell [message] Marketplace Selling
/for [message] For Hire
/pos [message] Life Invader Post
/bus [message] Business Advertisement
/help The F7 help menu
/faction The Faction menu
/trailer Attach your Trailer to your Truck if it does not automatically Attach

Hotkey Button Commands

, (COMMA) . (PERIOD) Toggle Anchor for boats
T (LETTER T) Opens Text Chat input box
X (LETTER X) Show Player List (HOLD). Use ↑ or ↓ to navigate the player list, ← or → to instantly reach the bottom or top of the list
TAB (TABULATOR) Open/Close Aircraft ATC Menu
B (LETTER B) Open the Radial Menu
M (LETTER M) Open the Main Menu
F7 (FUNCTION KEY 7) Open the Help Menu
7 (NUMBER 7) Toggle In-Game Camera
8 (NUMBER 8) Open/Close Vehicle Menu
- (MINUS) + (PLUS) ~ (TILDE) Toggle Indicators / Hazard Lights
Y (LETTER Y) Toggle Cruise Control
F8 (FUNCTION KEY 8) Opens the Console. (Type "quit" and press the "Enter" key to quit the game.)

Default Siren Controls

The server uses a custom siren control system, we call it Emergency Siren Control, or ESC for short.

Toggle Lights Horn Key (E or LS)
Toggle Sirens Cinematic Camera Key (R)

The siren is only active as long as the lights are turned on

The siren turns off when the player exits the vehicle