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From Tycoon Gaming
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Revision as of 16:05, 19 September 2019
Here you see all Commands/Hotkeys the server currently have.
General Commands
Chat Commands
/ems [message] | Paramedic Dispatch |
/mec [message] | Mechanic Dispatch |
/atc [message] | Custom Flight ATC message |
/con [message] | Train Conductor |
/buy [message] | Marketplace Buying |
/sell [message] | Marketplace Selling |
/for [message] | For Hire |
/pos [message] | Life Invader Post |
/bus [message] | Business Advertisement |
/help | The F7 help menu |
/faction | The Faction menu |
/trailer | Attach your Trailer to your Truck if it does not automatically Attach |
Hotkey Button Commands
, (COMMA) . (PERIOD) | Toggle Anchor for boats |
T (LETTER T) | Opens Text Chat input box |
X (LETTER X) | Show Player List (HOLD). Use ↑ or ↓ to navigate the player list, ← or → to instantly reach the bottom or top of the list |
TAB (TABULATOR) | Open/Close Aircraft ATC Menu |
B (LETTER B) | Open the Radial Menu |
M (LETTER M) | Open the Main Menu |
F7 (FUNCTION KEY 7) | Open the Help Menu |
7 (NUMBER 7) | Toggle In-Game Camera |
8 (NUMBER 8) | Open/Close Vehicle Menu |
- (MINUS) + (PLUS) ~ (TILDE) | Toggle Indicators / Hazard Lights |
Y (LETTER Y) | Toggle Cruise Control |
F8 (FUNCTION KEY 8) | Opens the Console. (Type "quit" and press the "Enter" key to quit the game.) |
Default Siren Controls
The server uses a custom siren control system, we call it Emergency Siren Control, or ESC for short.
Toggle Lights | Horn Key (E or LS) |
Toggle Sirens | Cinematic Camera Key (R) |
The siren is only active as long as the lights are turned on
The siren turns off when the player exits the vehicle