Revision as of 22:24, 20 March 2021 by Donald (talk | contribs)


From Tycoon Gaming


- News notification no longer cover the radar
- Fixed incorrect grammar in Double EXP Party text when the players name ends with an s

Vehicle Requirements:

- Reworked how vehicle usage requirements appear
- You now only see missing requirements instead of all requirements


- Tools and Erasers can no longer be stored in the MK10 trailer


- FRLLC now receives bonus vouchers from EMS streaks


- Added support for altering webhook messages
- Adjusted server name and description to fit new server list system
- Improved staff panel stuff


- Added a command to render the passive zone edges
- Removed the intro trap from City Hall
- Added disclaimers to the Tools and Erasers sellers
- Fixed Sonar not correctly displaying vehicles
- Buying stuff no longer takes money from your bank
- Gift Cards can no longer be redeemed


- Added a completely new custom version of SSIA by Collins
- Added a shortcut for the Airport Designer tool (/designer)
- Added a command to test airport designs (/design-test)
- Added new tiles specifically for the new SSIA airport
- Added a new radar and map overlay for the new SSIA (Thanks Morfik!)
- Removed old warps from SSIA
- Moved all the stuff that was on or near SSIA (please report anything that's left over)


- Added Tractor Parts Ocean pickup/drop-off self storage
- Moved & tweaked the Del Perro Beach prospecting zone size


- Built a workaround for the Keybinds menu buttons not working correctly (Please un-bind the old ones!)
- Fixed an oversight in vehicle permission checks
- Fixed the 1 million exp Mechanic perk
- Fixed a server error caused by invalid player data
- Fixed player blip showing you're dead when you're not
- Flipping vehicles with trailers now animate the trailer aswell
- Pool Inspector no longer refreshes data when not enabled


- Concorde collision box is no longer the size of Texas
- Added smoke trails to planes (Thanks Logan!)
- Improved the anti-wiggle system
- Added VTOL planes to the anti-wiggle system

Aerial Firefighter:

- Increased the time it takes to empty the 747


- Increased the maximum items per listing
- Increased the maximum price per listing
- Pressing LEFT ARROW when selling an item will let you make multiple listings


- You should no longer respawn at City Hall when dying
- Improved respawn mechanic
- You now respawn where you died if you have pills on you
- Respawning while in water will place you on land no matter what


- Added a /report command to open the player report menu or report issues
- Chat now has multiple tabs instead of a single feed
- Added a System tab to chat
- Added a /channel command to switch between chat channels/tabs
- Added binds for the common Chat channels in the Keybinds menu
- Using CTRL+T you can click the tab names to switch easily
- Press TAB to cycle through each tab
- Messages without a target channel now defaults to the System channel