Technical FAQ
Welcome to the technical FAQ
this FAQ answers you simple technical questions and tries to resolves issues as fast as possible.
Missing Icons/Blips
That error can happen through a loading error. If you notice missing Icons/Blips on the map then just try to reconnect to the server.
Clear Cache
So you want to know how to clear your cache as you encounter a crash on the server and/or cant join anymore?
1. Press WIN+R 2. Type in "%localappdata%\FiveM\" 3. You are now in your Application Folder there you want to delete the file "cache.xml" 4. Now as you deleted that file try to join one of the servers 5. If that didn't helped then go back to Step 1 and continue after that with step 5. 6. So the 3. step didn't worked then now as you are again in the Application folder go also into the Cache folder. 7. There you want to delete the Game folder (this will re verify the game files) 8. After the re verification try to join the server Again. 9. If that also didn't worked go back into the cache folder and also delete the servers folder. 9.1 This will delete all server files you have downloaded and need to re download them when you join the Server.
Steam authentication failed: Http 429
Note: This method will only work if you have other active identifiers linked to your account.
To fix this you need to close steam: Go to the top left of the screen Steam > Exit or use task manager to close the steam bootstapper. Once steam has fully closed. Launch FiveM and join the server. After you have loaded into the server you are free to open steam again.
yaml-cpp: error at line x, column xx: illegal EOF in scalar
That error is an common FiveM error the only fix from our side would be to just retry to join the server. It could take up to 40 retries.
Otherwise you could also just press enter and it should connect right away