From Tycoon Gaming

Transport Tycoon API

Root API URI is the servers address

API is available per server instance


type name (data type and a property name)
type? name (data type may vary based on data context)
type! name (data might not exist based on data context)

Note: Array data types do not contain named properties, the names used here are for clarifiation

Get world information for online players

GET /status/map/positions.json
- int time
- array[array player] data
-- string name
-- int source
-- int user_id
-- vec3 position
-- object vehicle
--- int vehicle_class
--- string vehicle_type
--- int! model
--- string! vehicle_label
--- string! vehicle_name
-- object job
--- string group
--- string name

Get server details and online players

GET /status/widget/players.json
- object server
-- string name
-- string motd
-- string number
-- string region
-- string beta
-- int limit
- array[array player] players
-- string name
-- int source
-- int user_id
-- string? avatar
-- bool staff
-- string job_name
-- bool whitelist

Get resource configurations

GET /status/config/[resource]
returns a raw lua file