Revision as of 23:56, 12 March 2020 by Donald (talk | contribs) (Added Italian)


From Tycoon Gaming

This template adds available translations for the page to the top through the use of flags.

To prevent issues, this template must be placed at the very beginning of a page.

Tip! When contributing a new translation to a document that already has other translations, please carry over the existing translations to the otherlang template of your contributed page. This way all multilingual pages are linked.


  | noborder=true (OPTIONAL)
  | title=localized page display title
  | lang=page:lang
  | lang2=page:lang2
  | etc...

Warning! Do not include the language of the current page. This will only confuse readers.


On a page called Test:

  | title=Test
  | de=Test:de

Note that:

  • The language "en" is not included, as it is the language of the page that template is being used on.
  • title is assigned the translated name of the page, and will appear as the display title (heading) for the page. This can replace the existing Template:Wrongtitle and Template:DISPLAYTITLE templates currently in common use.
  • The English page has no suffix.
  • The same template must be used on the translated page (with the other language) to link back

Available Languages

Language Syntax Result
English en=Page_name English
Deutsch de=de:Page_name German
Polski pl=pl:Page_name Polish
Éspanol es=es:Page_name Spanish
Français fr=fr:Page_name French
Nederlands nl=nl:Page_name Dutch

Available Languages: