Copper Wire Spool
Export at
House Construction Site
Copper Wire Spool is an item that is made through crafting at the LS Factory , is used as an ingredient for crafting items, and can be exported at the House Construction Site . It is part of the Trucking job.
Create Copper Wire Spool
4x Refined Copper 1x Planks
$ 5,000
2x Copper Wire Spool
LS Factory
Create Copper Wire Spool x5
20x Refined Copper 5x Planks
$ 25,000
10x Copper Wire Spool
LS Factory
Trucking Items
Trucking Type
Alta Construction Site
Cargo Buyer: Erasers
Cargo Buyer: Tools
Cargo Seller: Erasers
Cargo Seller: Tools
Tools , Mechanic Hammer , Mechanic Wrench
Electronics Store
Recycled Electronics
Elysian Island Waste Deposit
Raw Ore Mix , Toxic Waste
Filtering Plant
Acid , Concrete , Flint , Gravel , Raw Emeralds , Raw Ore Mix , Sand , Scrap Lead , Scrap Mercury
House Construction Site
Jewelry Store
LS Factory
Batteries , Cardboard , Circuit Board , Computer , Copper Wire , Fiberglass Spool , Jewelry , Rebar
LS Foundry
Bronze Alloy , Ceramic Tiles , Glass , Refined Aluminum , Refined Amalgam , Refined Copper , Refined Gold , Refined Solder , Refined Tin , Refined Zinc , Scrap Gold , Titanium
LS Port Export
Land Act Reservoir
Unfiltered Water
Logging Camp
McKenzie Export
Cement Mix , Quarry Rubble
Recycling Center
Recycled Trash
Planks , Sawdust
Sorting Facility
Scrap Aluminum , Scrap Copper , Scrap Gold , Scrap Plastic , Scrap Tin
Water Treatment Plant
Sulfur , Treated Water
Vehicle Factory
Shipping Container
Refrigerated Trucking
Clucking Bell Farms
Frozen Raw Meat
Fridgit Co.
Airline Meal , Food Shipment
Grapeseed Farms
Dairy Products
Great Chaparral Farm
Harmony Shopping Center
LSIA Shipments
Raven Slaughterhouse
Petrochemical Trucking
Bristols Fuel Storage
Chemical Laboratories
Acid , Toxic Waste
Davis Mega Mall
GSD Gas Pumping Station
Raw Gas
LS Oil Pumping Station
Crude Oil
Oil Depository
Boat Fuel , Diesel Fuel , Helicopter Fuel , Petrol Fuel , Plane Fuel
Asphalt , Chemicals , Diesel , Kerosene , Petrol , Propane , Rubber , Waste Water
Military Trucking
Deep Quarry
Gravel , Sand
GSD Mine
Scrap Gold , Titanium Ore
Military Workshop
Mineral Mine
Titanium Ore , Raw Emeralds , Copper Ore Voucher , Iron Ore Voucher
Illegal Trucking
Defib Kit Charging
Defib Kit
Humane Labs
Liquor Ace
Box of Full Pill Capsules , Methamphetamine
Plastic Molding
Box of Empty Pill Capsules , Empty Defib Kit
Pop's Pills
Pills Crate
Vehicle Shipments
Vehicle Factory
Annis Zr-350 , Coil Savanna , Hijak Vertice , Hvy Nightshark , Karin Futo , Landstalker Xl , 10F , Upgrade Kit Voltic2
Vehicle Parts
Car Battery , Chassis , Repair Shop , Traction Battery , Vehicle Framework , Wheels , Jumper Cable