From Tycoon Gaming
- Correctly labeled the Barracks Semi-Cab as a Semi-Cab
- Moved all features from the UH1-NASA to the EMS / Paramedic Maverick
- Replaced the A333 with the A380
EMS / Paramedic:
- Added the EMS / Paramedic Maverick as a valid EMS vehicle for AI missions
- Disabled ALL vehicle warps (for now) due to abusive potential
- Vehicle warps will be UNAVAILABLE for purchase and use
- Normal warps will still function as normal
- Fixed the Tour Maverick spawning locked for RTS Aviators
- IA Trainee's no longer get the Imperial Airlines Discord role when hired
- Added an A380 CollinsCo livery
Loading Screen:
- Reverted back to normal images
- Removed christmas songs
- Removed fireworks from markets
- You no longer get free fireworks when joining
- Fixed the firework weapon items not giving weapons
Street Racer:
- Blacklisted the Police Lexus GS350
- Cleared all records, good luck everyone!
- Removed the Freight FM logo and name from the radio wheel
- Cruise Control can no longer operate at low speeds (currently 25 km/h and under)
- Disabled snow on all servers
- Fixed an incorrect vehicle label
- You can no longer crouch while in a vehicle
- Split several resources from omni_common (common resource pool)
- Includes such as: blip hider, cablecar, chat roles, emergency siren control, esp, event dropper, excavator, fireworks, level notifications, mobile radio, vehicle locker, vehicle repairs, vehicle spawners, warps and compass
- Added new modules to omni_common for resources to use
- Includes: vrp, vehicle, plate, network, minimapper, math, kvp, instructionals, formatting, enumerator, d3d modules
- Improved overall distance calculation performance in several resources (~40 resources!)
- Improvement to external rendering via exports
- Split the compass from omni_external into its own resource