Template:Itemlist/Blessings/Series 2

From Tycoon Gaming
Prefix Blessing Name
🧼 Soap
🖐 Hand with Fingers Splayed
👏 Clapping Hands
🧴 Lotion Bottle
🤲 Palms Up Together
🚰 Potable Water
💦 Sweat Droplets
💧 Droplet
💪 Feats of Strength
🙌 Festivus Miracle
😤 Airing of Grievances
🦠 Microbe
🤒 Face with Thermometer
💉 Syringe
Prefix Blessing Name
💊 Pill
😖 Dizzy Face
😷 Face with Medical Mask
💫 Dizzy
Medical Symbol
🏥 Hospital
📟 Pager
🌐 Globe with Meridians
🗺 World Map
📅 Calendar
🐑 Ewe
🐇 Rabbit
🦔 Hedgehog
🐣 Hatching Chick
Prefix Blessing Name
🦢 Swan
🐝 Honeybee
🌻 Sunflower
🌼 Blossom
🌷 Tulip
🌱 Seedling
🌳 Deciduous Tree
🌾 Sheaf of Rice
🍀 Four Leaf Clover
🍃 Leaf Fluttering in Wind
🌞 Sun with Face
🌈 Rainbow
🚑 Ambulance