
From Tycoon Gaming

Leaderboards Can be Found around the map at various job, specialized Job & business locations. Leaderboards will Display the Top 10 Players in said job, specialized Job, or business.

Job & Leaderboard Locations

Job Location Job Location
VoidBoard Pacific Standard Bank EMS Mount Zonah Medical Center
Fire Fighter Central Los Santos Fire Station Land Surveyor Surveying HQ
Wildlife Hunter Park Ranger's Office Bus Driver Los Santos Bus Depot
Trucking - Concrete Alta Construction Site Trucking - Houses House Construction Site
Parking Enforcement Officer - Tickets Issued S.A Parking Council HQ Coast Guard Merryweather HQ
Parking Enforcement Officer - Highest Scan Streak S.A Parking Council HQ Pizza Delivery Located At The Market (Pizza) Location East Of Pacific Standard Bank
Quarry Worker - Best Excavator Operators located ingame next to the excavator spawner
Quarry Worker - Most Cooperative Quarry Workers Located ingame following the path starting at the "Davis Quartz" business down under the small train tunnel then straight towards those building containers
Quarry Worker - Best Dump Truck Operators Located ingame on top of the largest rubble hill, also right below the highest conveyer belt