Template:Main Menu

From Tycoon Gaming

When you first join, the M menu can be a bit confusing. Here is a guide on how each section of the menu works and how to use it.


1. M→Vehicle Options: If you have purchased a vehicle (and not stolen it off the street) from the car or aircraft dealer, you can access the trunk amongst other things.


2. M→Identity this shows you information about your account, such as some identifiers, property information, licenses, the skill of the day (SOTD), and your estimated daily business income.

3. M→Inventory is where your items are stored when you obtain cargo or consumables such as food, cards, and repair kits.

4. M→Manage Company is used by employees to switch between company jobs. It is also used by management and higher ranks.

5. M→Open Backpack this is irrelevant unless you own a backpack.

6. M→Phone/Services can be used to access the Marketplace, Skill Perks, call a Taxi Service or access the portable ATM once purchased at the Premium Market.


7. M→Player List allows you to customize different things about how your name and title are displayed on the player list.


8. M→Player Options is used for many important tasks.

9. M→Reopen Name of shop or converter This only shows up when you have selected an option during a buy/sell menu, instead of backing out, you can select this option to re-open the menu.

10. M→Skills is where you can see your server stats. If you accidentally close out of the M menu and the skills screen stays up, just select M→Skills again and it will go away. Pressing Left Arrow when hovering over skills will open up a compressed version of the Skills Menu with information for each skill about how much EXP is needed for the next level.

11. M→Staff Panel is where you can submit bug and player reports, suggestions for server improvements, and admin tickets. NOTE: If you submit an admin ticket, be specific about what you need us for. If you leave a ticket blank, we will NOT come to help you. If you submit a player report staff will be notified online and offline so don’t abuse this. Also, do not submit false reports, all reports are taken seriously.

12. M→Stop job is the command you use if you are in the middle of a mission/job and you would like to cancel it. This is most commonly used for piloting routes, and any AI missions that your job has given you.

13. M→zDelete if you are driving a vehicle spawned with a vehicle card use this option to delete it (you can only see this option if you're out of a vehicle).